Ebook about my walk along the Camino de Santiago (Camino Frances)!
Now available FOR FREE on all platforms.
Having previously walked along the Camino de Santiago from Saint Jean Pied de Port to Roncesvalles as a lifelong, uncompromising atheist, Diem returns to Roncesvalles to walk for another week, this time across Navarra to his hometown of Viana.
But instead of walking as an ardent atheist, now he is walking hand in hand with God.
A 'Road to Damascus' type event had completed transformed Diem's life months earlier. Now, with over half a century of bad atheist ways to overcome, he sets himself an action plan for each week he intends to walk.
Week one (Saint Jean de Pied Port to Viana): Letting Him lead.
Diem intends to do no planning whatsoever, and to put all his faith in God's provision.
Does he succeed?
Click the cover to get your free copy!
Part one of a five-book series of week-long walks along the entire Camino Francés in Spain, each with a different action plan with God.
**Coming soon: part 2, Viana to Burgos - Praying over people.**